Sunday, July 3, 2011

Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010

images You know who the real Golden Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Golden Globe Awards 2010:
  • Golden Globe Awards 2010:

  • eb3_nepa
    05-04 04:28 PM

    These discussions about what you and i think about whether Bs or Ms is more important is totally pointless. First off this bill has yet to be brought up for discussion. Secondly any bill bringing any relief is good at this point in time.

    We are arguing and debating endlessly about a bill that may never even see daylight. I think the more important thing to do is, try and get this bill to be brought up for discussion.

    Simple example. If there are 20 people in the queue ahead of u and a the shopkeeper opens another fresh queue, whether ur part of queue 1 or queue 2 ur still looking at a smaller queue. Who is to say which queue will be longer? Do we have any stats that say out of the 300,000 legals waiting how may have and have not an advanced degree. For all you know the queue with Just the bachelors may end up being shorter. I am sure a LOT of us just on IV have come here on F1 and then went on to get H1s.

    Lastly i have a question about SKIL. When you say people with advanced degrees will not be counted against the quota, what EXACTLY does that mean? Does it mean that ppl with advanced degrees who have Not been able to apply for 485 can now apply regardless of PD? OR does it mean that the PD still applies but people who have applied will move quicker as they are not counted against the quota?

    wallpaper Golden Globe Awards 2010: Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks red hair,
  • Christina Hendricks red hair,

  • manishs7
    09-27 12:32 PM
    I think your idea is good. But this could be very difficult to implement, at least for USCIS.

    Another suggestion is that porting should be automatic. As soon as a person acquires the required qualification for EB2 + a letter from the company that the person's future job will be of EB2 caliber, UCSIS should put him/her in EB2 category. This is some thing we should work on.
    So what happens to existing EB2 per your logic. Should their priority dates will also change based on the date when they became eligible. say someone with 15 years of experience with bachelors degree comes to US and files on his date will be pushed to priority date of 10 years from now when he became eligible for EB2.
    What happens when I port from EB3 to EB2 with Masters in year 2002. should my priority date would be moved from 2006 to 2002.
    This logic is not implementable or priority dates should go in one direction (up) only, the one that suits your requirements. LOL..

    Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks#39; Hubands
  • Christina Hendricks#39; Hubands

  • Macaca
    12-10 11:23 AM
    Why don't you tell other proud americans to not

    1. admit us to your educational systems,

    2. give us jobs, and

    3. sponsor our green cards.

    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

    2011 Christina Hendricks red hair, Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks – making
  • Christina Hendricks – making

  • fetch_gc
    09-27 09:23 AM
    Still waiting for receipts for all 6 of them.
    Please see signature for more details.


    Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks
  • Christina Hendricks

  • senthil1
    06-26 03:08 AM
    I am seeing lot of ads in Dice that only citizens are need to apply. If that is a racism many companies would have been in trouble. If you are really sure that they are violating law you can apply for those positions and sue them as affected person. You may get millions of dollars if court finds that there is a racism in selection. I think if they eliminate particular group in US citizens(If they eliminate Indian origin or Chinese origin Citizens inspite of similar skills ) then that is a racism.

    There have been quite a number of job positions restricting specific communities. This contradicts with the EEO. Its high time these are being highlighted...

    Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks
  • Christina Hendricks

  • raju123
    07-06 09:42 AM
    In a mean time we should inform media for the flower delivery in a Mahatma Gandhi suggested way to protest injustice.

    Some one with a good English please draft a letter and we all will send it to all media.

    Media will not let it go...ALL THEY NEED IS NEWS!!! Which is new...Let us give a shot.

    Just idea.


    Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Golden Globes red carpet
  • Golden Globes red carpet

  • GumI485
    07-03 08:37 AM
    I m game for it!!IV CORE plz advice us which method wud be apt to send the flowers...I think,we need to start on this asap,without any delay.:)

    2010 Christina Hendricks#39; Hubands Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. You know who the real Golden
  • You know who the real Golden

  • CADude
    08-01 04:43 PM
    My friends check encashed today from TSC. His Attorney send application (6/20) to NSC and received there on 6/21.

    So long way to go... I am not sure next weekend estimate will also hold good for July 2nd filer. :) Don't kill yourself and it will not make it faster.:D :D :D


    Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks was
  • Christina Hendricks was

  • amitjoey
    05-23 04:10 PM
    I see a Webfax being setup. Only 49 members have used it. Very simple to use, click on webfax, enter your state and details, send. 10 sec. Please use this. This is the most simple thing you can do.

    hair Christina Hendricks – making Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks, Mad Men#39;s
  • Christina Hendricks, Mad Men#39;s

  • GCStatus
    09-14 03:03 PM
    Let's make sure that this thread or remains at the top "Recent forum posts" on IV homepage, so that more and more people can notice it and we can take a timely action. We might need some help from admin. to get this done. I see that "IV Forum login problems" thread is hardwired to remain at the top. We can do something similar for our thread.

    Great idea Kary, I was thinking the same


    Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christian Siriano Spring 2010
  • Christian Siriano Spring 2010

  • eb3_nepa
    12-11 12:36 PM
    Lets take another view of this "realistic" angle : Its common sense to go after the low hanging fruit first (I-485, filing EAD etc), but what we conveniently forget is in that case we will not have any support whatsoever from the corporates,AILA,health care industry etc. It will have to be a solo effort from IV for which we would need the support and active contributions from at least half of the one million EB applicants affected by this mess. So far, we have piggy-backed on CIR and SKIL both of which were to a large extent driven by corporate interest. If you take these realities into consideration, provisions like 485 etc are not low hanging fruits any more, because we no longer have a stool to stand on. Given the infamous intertia of the lawmakers, introducing our own independent provisions will take a lot more than a membership base of around 6-7K, a contributing base of around 2k and a free-riding/blissfully ignorant base of 900k+.

    Unless we become a truly representative organisation of prospective EB immigrants, we cannot take on the combined might of the anti-immigrants and the H1 thristy corporates. Not to be negative, just giving an alternate opinion.

    Most of the time we have to search for bills to attach our provisions anyways. The only problem is that right now all our provisions are either being labeled as "quota increase" or are being attached to "Quota Increase" bills. Try and remember S-1932, CIR and SKIL. AILA will always be after H1 Increase and so will Big Corps. Only this time instead of seperating ourselves as "EB only" we try to piggyback on either "Quota increase" bills OR we try and piggyback on just about ANY bill we can piggyback onto. Most of the times weird bills get combined (S1932 for example).

    If 2006 has taught us anything it should be "Do NOT try and increase quotas and numbers". For starters it takes TOO long to do and there is MUCH more opposition from even the average American. Remember the IV Core telling us how the Anti-immigrant calls far outnumbered our calls during the Recent SKIL bill? Guys even the biggest Corps have been unsuccessful in getting Visa number increases. Do we honestly believe that with 6,000 members who are NOT a voting base (and may never be) + the lack of funds, we are going to do what these big guns have not been able to accomplish? Am I saying we should give up? HELL NO!! All I am saying is, it is time to review our strategy. Over and above all this, if we think that our current course will bring us victory then let the majority prevail.

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  • golden-globes-2010-ana-

  • asdf123
    08-27 12:15 AM
    My application filed on 1 august.
    No receipts yet.


    house Christina Hendricks @ 2010 SAG Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks @ Golden Globes 2010
  • Christina Hendricks @ Golden Globes 2010

  • Vipps
    07-20 02:43 AM
    $100 ,Please work out the financial-mechanics as well.....Ready to contribute more in coming months if the objective of this thread is not accomplished in this drive.

    I will be doing R2I sooner, yet i feel guilty after reading that article.

    tattoo Christina Hendricks Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks @ Golden Globes 2010
  • Christina Hendricks @ Golden Globes 2010

  • chandarc
    11-19 01:51 PM


    pictures Golden Globes red carpet Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks at the
  • Christina Hendricks at the

  • GKBest
    10-12 02:12 PM
    My 140( in 2006) was from TSC and 485 from NSC

    THANKS! I will wait for my turn and hope that my application is right next to you.

    dresses golden-globes-2010-ana- Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks
  • Christina Hendricks

  • sammyb
    11-21 10:58 AM
    Can IV as a group arrange some legal consultation for Mehul and his family ... guess we can have a fund drive and raise some money to cover the legal fees ... I am for it... let me know what other thinks ...


    makeup Christina Hendricks was Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Christina Hendricks @ 2010 SAG
  • Christina Hendricks @ 2010 SAG

  • skd
    07-10 05:37 PM
    Any rallies Near Portland Oregon Area this weekend ?

    girlfriend Christina Hendricks @ Golden Globes 2010 Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. The 2010 Golden Globe Awards
  • The 2010 Golden Globe Awards

  • vallabhu
    07-20 10:24 AM
    Great going guys. Keep it coming. Yes we can for sure extend this to Monday. The more the better.

    Can some one tell how to cancel 20$ subscription and start 50$ subscription.

    hairstyles Christian Siriano Spring 2010 Golden Globes Christina Hendricks 2010. Most Visible “Golden Globes”:
  • Most Visible “Golden Globes”:

  • salai007
    08-13 11:45 AM
    My lawyer went to the SC and dropped the papers on July 2, still I am waiting for my receipt#....does anybody in my situation like this?


    06-15 05:10 PM
    Who gets the receipt notices - only atorney or both atorney and employer/employee

    03-26 02:07 PM
    i know for a fact that 2 of my friends who were stuck in namecheck and had current PD got their GC approval emails 3-4 days after the rule was passed. I have EB3 PD of mid 2002 and was stuck in NC for 3+ years, i got a soft LUD one week after the rule was passed. it was the first LUD after 2 years.

    NC was hell and i hope people dont go through what we went.

    It is on main web page of IV.. How come I can be ignorant even if I wanted to be?:)

    Yes, it would "improve" Name Check with coparision to what we have observed so far. But it still have following loop holes and flaws.


    Now I generally read and analyze. Do not just read.:)

    (1)180 days period is from the "Date of FBI Name Check initiation. It is not
    from 485 receipt date. Nobody knows when USCIS will initiate FBI Name
    Check. So I see a big playground for USCIS to play if it decides to play.
    What if uSCIS sends FBI name check initiation after 2 years of 485 receipt?
    Do we have a way to know or keep an eye on USCIS about this? At least I
    do not know and if somebody has the information please share it.

    (2) "If 485 Otherwise is processable" then USCIS can go ahead without
    waiting for NC check... What if USCIS decides to keep 100000 cases on
    rack eating dust just by not moving the processing date for particular
    service center? This you can see right now.. USCIS is making Texas slow
    day by day not moving processing date. I remember Texas was ahead
    with comparison to Nebraska around May to August 2007. If this happens your case is no more "processable".. Yes you can say that you are not stuck in NC queue but you will be stuck. USCIS may come up with altogether different startegy... To align processing times with FBI processing and FBI NC initiation. That may screw the things further.

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