Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love Heart Pictures To Colour In

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  • zeta7
    03-22 11:33 PM

    I'm in pretty much in the same boat as some of the other posters here. I don't have a valid H1b in my passport, I-140/I-485 is pending. EAD/AP is approved. My landing visa for Canada expires in May.

    Has anyone tried landing and returning to the U.S. while on pending I-485 by utilizing their AP yet? Any issues? I expect my POE to be Chicago. Any information would be much appreciated.

    This is driving me nuts. I really *really* don't want to abandon the Canada option, but the information I've come across on the forums have left me very apprehensive. I applied for Canadian Residency so that I could sleep a little better at night for the next three years, but looks like I bargained for nightmares instead!

    Awaiting your responses. Thanks guys...

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  • apahilaj
    02-18 10:57 AM
    I am assuming you guys saw this:

    USCIS will consolidate FPs for 485 and EADs. So if we don't receive biometrics for 485, hopefully we will get one for EAD renewal which will also serve the purpose for 485 processing.

    Note: This only applies to concurrent filers of 485 and EAD.

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  • solaris27
    08-13 08:35 AM
    one more thing never got I-797 for EAD , got number from back of chaque ...

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  • paraphrase
    10-08 11:05 PM
    I do not understand why people spend their energy in coming up with some lame ideas. Just because you suffer does not mean that your fellows have to suffer, what is the point of being a sane individual with that kind of thought process.

    There are people who come here on all kinds of visas F1, H1, L1 and like this country and stay back and need a green card for convenience. Students who came here want priority over people who came on H1B. It makes sense from their point of view.

    Similarly people on H1B who got stuck in several stages and had to change the company have their own point of view.

    How bout having a lame rule saying that GC for people with I.Q of 140 and above?


    How bout having a lame rule like if you have a family you will be penalized by putting you at the end of the line for GC?

    The list can go endless..
    Worry less about who is cutting the line and getting ahead and please concentrate and put your energy and come up with good ideas and showing what we are really capable of..


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  • SunnySurya
    08-18 07:47 PM
    So, how are u going to help us????
    I will help you in this but do us all a favor and don't reply to any more messages....

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  • english_august
    07-07 04:09 PM
    Great news: IV core is supporting the flower campaign - see this thread ( :)

    We have until tonight to place in the orders so that the flowers can be delivered on Tuesday.

    Everyone who kept the faith - thanks and lets continue sending emails or calling people to let them know about it.
    People who said that they will send the flowers only if IV core supports it - please send flowers asap.

    BTW, I am curious as to who first proposed this idea.


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  • Phone - Colour: Silver

  • texcan
    09-02 11:39 AM
    For spouse received EAD card, valid for 2 years

    Filed: June 24th, 2008

    CPO email received twice Aug 28th, 2008
    Filed: June 18th, 2008
    Status: Waiting for CARD.

    AP Status:
    Lawyer says that he has received AP last week for both of us.
    Not very certain of his claims,untill i see the documents.

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  • pitha
    07-08 05:06 PM
    unfortunately more than 80% of backlog elemination is completed, so labor substitution even though it is removed from july 16 has already done its damage. scores of people have already done labor substitution.

    Do you really believe there are 700K "unique" cases pending.
    I think elimination of Labor Substitution would take out atleast half of 700 K pending labors..

    Making the total new cases definitely managable - "damn again I m thinking logically." :rolleyes:


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  • deepak
    09-10 08:02 PM
    Simple thing, I don't comment all the bull that goes on , on the open forum, discussing Vonage to anything, who cares. Put up the opinions no problem. But there has to be a limit on how and what are you putting up.
    Despite IV doing so much for the community, the post from gvenkat, jyoti and including yours and lot others (guys you know whom I am talking about) actually demotivate the group and this way you contribute to IV but all NEGATI VE When I see this type shit I just cannot stop myself and I think would be a shame on myself if I do so.

    Also , one time donation are not helping. IV needs more donations, more volunteers. Come on join in, everything is flexible here for volunteers, so please contribute and donate.IV core has got it to this point with least support and proved that yes it can be done now what else do you what IV to prove. After this still you are looking for something for them to prove. then its nothing to prove all BS excuses for not being the part of it.
    If that is the case , then who cares about ones opinion???

    You just called a member of this forum a useless idiot. What does that make you.

    You know what? You need money to lobby for your GC, spend your own money.Cough up more per month. And when you get your GC, you know what? I will get mine too, and I will sit there with a smug smile and wave it in your face.

    How did you feel reading that? Thankfully, most people are not that way, even though you accuse them of being that way. It does not make anyone feel good to be called that either. Maybe you are having a bad day, but remember, you are a senior member and you are asking for donations. Calling people useless idiots is not going to get much.

    How much do you want to bet that there are people like me who are a bit wary of donating money if it is going to be handled by people like you?

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  • gimmeacard
    09-09 09:01 PM
    Ignore her. She dozn't deserve a response...Seems to be a mental case

    i am pretty sure its a HE, dont think indian women have fallen that much


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  • josecuervo
    08-11 10:55 PM
    Just got an email that EAD card production ordered

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  • vdlrao
    09-10 12:50 PM
    How can contributing $1000.00 to immigration voice solves this problem? You are telling like a swami's in India, give me money I will do some pooja on your behalf and all your problems will be solved.

    The money is not for me or for the Immigration Voice but for the lobbying to make the uscis or the government understand how the employment based GC system is outdated, and how the people who came to usa with an American Dream are being played by the rules not for days or weeks or months but for years and years. And procrastinating their American Dream because of the limitations they have during the GC process.

    Active participation or contribution of 10 or 20 or 100 people wont be any effective unless and untill we all do it collectively.


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  • Zeb
    07-25 01:47 PM
    so were u able to do landing? if yes, then how u did?

    I took my car.Once you get landed immigrant status in canada, everything needs to be transferred with you. They asked me either transfer my car or take it back to USA right away.As I have my family with me, So I argued for a while but no success. So i went to the customs and let them fill up the paper work to get the car transferred.Also they dont let your personal car to list in the things to follow paperwork, if you are driving the same car.I came back to USA after two weeks. But the transfer procedure still require you to get clearance from the USA for which you have to give the 72 hour notice to some agency and then take the car.Also you need Manufacturing clearance recall letter(which can be done both in USA & Canada).
    I did not pay canadian customs a fee which is 209 + tax, as I want to bring the car back to usa. You have 45 days to get all this things done , other wise You have to export the car back to USA. They told me to send the payment or they will send a reminder notice after 10 days, which to date i have not received yet.You have to buy insurance and change the odometer into Km and also headlights should remain on when you start your car. I dont know what gonna happen, but I will sell the car if I have to, and send them the sale receipt.By the way i entered from detriot, and everything went smoothly.

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  • anil_gc
    08-09 10:37 AM
    Did you notice any change in the LUD of your pending or previously approved cases??

    No, I have not created an online account


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  • knnmbd
    05-07 04:18 PM
    Another warning. We will not tolerate flaming wars or denigrating posts.

    Can't we work together civilly for this? The illegal aliens speak in one voice and are more easily heard. While immigrants who are supposed to be "highly educated" like us have to fight within ourselves over every issue.

    If you find some bad post, report it to us by clicking on the exclamation mark symbol. Don't retort.

    That's exactly what I was talking about. We are not going to have a law that will benefit all of us immediately, but could indirectly and also could take a while to see the effects of it. This does not mean that we try to stall such bills or exclaim that things are not fair as it does not benefit a certain group of people. We need to know that the law makers are at least smarter than all of us here and when they do things they do it with certain reasons and we need to respect that.

    All of us also have to remember that though we might me in the top 10% of this countries intellectual communities we are still all foreigners here and we should of course lobby our cause (like IV is currently doing such a great job of) and leave the rest of the burden to the law makers. I am sure they too have people to answer to and what ever law they pass will have to justifiable.

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  • Longwait2004
    08-28 05:03 PM
    My app reached NSC on 07/24.No checks have been cashed out yet...Obviously no receipts either..


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  • paragpujara
    08-18 09:46 AM
    We have received our cards without getting CPO email. I got email for welcome notice sent on 08/05 and then approval notice sent on 08/ cards on 08/11..hope this helps...

    My question is - has anobdy got their cards without getting the CPO e-mail - I have recd the approval notice on 11th in the mail - but I have yet to get the cards also I did not get the CPO e-mail:confused:

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  • CADude
    08-01 05:21 PM
    I agree!!!

    But the whole process of sending to NSC and then transferring it to TSC is ridiculous..just waste of resources and time. Althought, they have realized the mistake and now allowing for direct filing.

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  • go_gc_way
    06-21 09:23 PM
    Does any one know what is the time table for SKILL, PACE?

    If I understood correctly, SKILL BILL will not tabled unless CIR is dead?

    Assuming CIR wont be there in end of July, what would or how SKILL or PACE get a chance to be discussed?

    07-10 11:12 AM
    Check the USCIS Home page-

    Yes, you will notice that this has been posted in multiple threads yesterday as well as this website's home page

    08-31 11:13 AM
    There was and continues to be lot of discussion around multiple 485s. When USCIS is adjudicating a 485, they look at other pending 485s and cancel them. I had two 485s - 1 on EB3 and the other EB2. EB2 became current recently. They approved the EB2 one and rejected the EB3. So you can have multiple 485s.

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