Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • hiUS
    09-12 09:57 AM
    Congratulations to everyone who is getting their applications approved.

    My PD is Aug 2006 and I might have a remote chance of getting approved this month. Can someone give me the customer service number to talk about the 485 status. I keep seeing that many people talk to the customer service and get updates on the case. My case is pending at TSC. Thanks a lot.

    It is the same number which you see on the 485 notice which you have.

    select options as if you are checking your status on the phone (i.e. push buttons leading that direction, enter your receipt # listen to your LUD etc.). After that select the option which refers to "you believe you have a problem with your application" section (I think that is option 3). Then select the option which points problem with multiple applications (like if you believe your derivatives application seperated etc.). That one is option #4. That will end up at TSC IO. I hope my intstructions above will be helpful to you.

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  • Prashant
    07-03 02:45 PM

    Your Order Confirmation: EGONZA0EG2UY

    Message: All the best for Future EB Visa Estimates

    A victim of revised visa bulletin

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  • fetch_gc
    10-17 11:32 AM
    I'm very glad to hear the news. Let us see when my checks are going to be cashed. By the way, was your 485 packet signed by F.HEINAUER @NSC on July 16th?

    I did called NSC IO yesterday and she said that my packet must have been in caught up in the front log.

    Looks like all our 485 packets have been xfered to TSC from NSC. Hence SRCXXXXXXXXX

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  • HarshJ
    11-05 03:23 PM
    Well she suggested that she had scheduled the FP appointment and said that I should be getting my FP notices in 30 days.

    I am hoping that its the truth !!


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  • h1bmajdoor
    07-07 08:57 PM
    All officials have talked about processing 60k visas in a month to avoid visas going waste.
    None was honest enough to say the unused visas expire on 09/30 NOT 06/30.
    So, why the mad rush to give out all visas by 06/30?? We all know why..

    some people say this was because of the Kennedy-Bush bill... to get good press for the bill.

    IMO that may be true, but having seen the way US works, i'm willing to bet 25 cents that some high official's bonus depended on ending retrogression. So he did it, for all of 2 weeks.

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  • EB3_SEP04
    08-15 11:55 AM
    EAD Paper Filed (EB3-India, PD Nov 2006 : For Me and My spouse)

    Documents Mailed: July 01, 2008
    Receipt Notice: July 03, 2008
    LUD: July 08, 2008
    Current Status: My case was approved and card production ordered on August 14, 2008 (got the email from CRIS) and still waiting for my spouse's EAD approval.


    Raghav, congrats and thanks for the update.

    Is July 08, 2008 also the Notice Date on your receipt notice? I'm wondering if generally there is one more LUD after the notice date and before the approval, when they pull the file off the shelf and start working on the case.

    for me no LUD after notice date.


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  • Santosh_gc
    06-25 05:23 PM
    I am sorry to say this but I am not at all surprised that CIR may not pass. Every American I know has called his/her Senator to tell them that they wont vote for them if they vote for amnesty. And that is expected since all they know about CIR is that it is an amnesty for illegal immigrants. I would have done the same thing if I was in their shoes.

    I dont know if I should be happy or sad that CIR will not pass.

    I am sad since this will affect legal people waiting to get their EAD card and other such issues that IV is fighting for.

    I am happy because illegals will not get amnesty. That would be a slap in our face. It would have also led to the meltdown of the immigration machine which cant handle the current workload without bungling it up.

    Maybe the failure of CIR will let us redirect our our efforts so we focus on a bill which specifically addresses the issues of LEGAl immigrants and we dont get tarnished by the illegal immigrants issues.


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  • GCStatus
    09-14 11:36 PM
    I totally agree with you! We should energize the local chapters and organize some happy hours and get the word out!

    I am willing to help out reach out members in my state/area. Please keep this thread going...great initiative!!

    Yes GTGC

    Like MadhuVJ and Man-woman-GC mentioned, we should start gathering personal details, Come up with any suggestions you may also have as well


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  • gccovet
    05-12 01:08 PM
    June VB is out !

    For India:
    EB2 - Progressed to 1APR04
    EB3- Did not change.
    EB3 other - No change (1 Jan 03)

    ROW- EB2- Current
    ROW- EB3- 1 Mar 06
    ROW- EB3Others- 1 Jan 03.

    For China
    EB2 - Progressed to 1APR04
    EB3- 22Mar 03.
    EB3 other - No change (1 Jan 03)

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  • trueguy
    07-25 11:49 PM
    Did you send out the latest letters...I am getting a positive feed back ..that approximately at least 500 letters have gone out..we started to make noise.. and we will see the results eventually...More action items will follow in comming weeks..Dont forget the high five though campaign though ;)


    Nobody is even talking about EB3-I. Since congress is supporting EB2, we EB3-I won't get any relief bcoz all big companies are happy to see EB2-I getting approved. We are left alone and nobody to help us..........


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  • pd_recapturing
    04-25 03:41 PM
    I was just wondering that how come only desi employers are branded as "blood sucking manicas" etc etc ..? Doesn't there exist same kind of breed from other nationalities ? if not, then question is why we desis are like that ? any idea ?

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  • nk2006
    09-16 06:21 PM
    I know this might have been discussed but when is the RD if the application is moved (by uscis) from NSC to TSC?

    My I140 was approved by TSC sometime back. My 485/EAD/AP were sent to NSC in first/second week of July. Finally got the receipt last week. The receipt says that my application is received on Sept 5th - which is not true (it was sent in JULY); based on this notice it seems they are recording the RD as the day when they enter the application details in their system and not the day when it is actually physically received by them.

    I thought its other way round based on FAQ. Am I missing something? is it worth calling them on this? Thanks.

    NOTE: see you all on DC rally day.


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  • kingnaga
    09-17 05:57 PM
    July 3rd, NSC. Waiting....

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  • ameryki
    09-24 08:43 PM
    Received FP notice today. The online tracker says following:

    Current Status: Case received and pending.

    On September 11, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case.

    My lawyer confirmed that the application was posted on august 2nd 07.

    Can anyone help me figure out when is my receipt date? And from which date can I start counting 6 months to file ac21 ?

    I am in the same boat as you. Got FP notices for me and the wife today in the mail and online tracker states received on Sept 10th. My lawyer sent it on Aug 1st to NSC and file # starts with LIN so we are ok there. any thoughts? how important is the receipt notice if we have the receipt number information handy?


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  • Dhundhun
    12-17 02:24 PM
    1. Good health (which we often take for granted)
    Wish list - against stress

    4. Good savings (all said and done, your bank balance is very important no matter where you stay in the world)
    Sold house in India to meet expenses here.

    5. Good work experience (this is transferable and more or less ensures a decent future)
    At the same level, same job for years and years

    6. Loving/caring family/friends (who will always love you the same and couldn't care less about GC or citizenship)
    What is this in USA?

    This is personal experience, people may have different view.

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  • Hopeful1
    02-17 03:20 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 11531931731379304.

    Go IV Go!


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  • mnkaushik
    08-27 10:06 AM
    buddyinsd - i know you are still hoping that 8/21 slud has some meaning in terms of getting gc. Have you heard of anyone who got a gc that was part of the SLUD on 8/21.

    It looks like more waiting my friend.

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  • acecupid
    07-03 01:42 PM
    I would sent some cactus if there were options to do that.:D

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  • mantric
    12-16 05:22 AM
    here's my list. would love to hear others.

    1. listen to music.
    e.g. kishore songs.
    sing !

    2. read a good book.
    e.g. Emerson essay on compensation.
    "For everything you have missed you have gained something else."
    i think it's a very powerful essay for life.

    3. go to the gym. workout. jog. lift weights. play a game.
    table tennis really helps.
    resolve to be your fittest.
    adversity must make us stronger, not weaker.

    4. travel internationally
    take a trip to some country you've never gone to before.
    observe people's olympic struggles.
    it's part of the human experience.

    5. learn a new skill
    something you've always wanted to do but did'nt get around to.
    public speaking, dancing, singing...your choice.
    take a class at a community college or a university.

    6. go to temple or church or mosque.
    make a deeper spiritual connection with God.
    let him lift some of your burden.
    i listened to Hari Om Sharan after many years and experienced a real sense of joy.

    7. spend time learning about US government.
    get to know more about how government works. why does house vote differently than the senate ?
    get to know the 100 senators and 435 house reps. especially how they stand on legal immigration.
    our friends on the other side of the fence have done us a favor by organizing this information
    just reverse the grades. consider approaching reps/senators with your situation.

    8. learn from IV efforts of previous years
    many skills were introduced which could have helped us. what can we learn from what failed ?
    e.g. comprehensive immigration bill 2006. it passed in the senate but stalled in the house.
    Gandhigiri did work this year. it was a major success story we should celebrate and learn from.

    9. accept and enjoy the present.
    accept the present moment. breathe.
    enjoy nature - the sun, the moon, the heavens, fresh air and water. make new associations and friends.
    experiencing these gifts of life is enough to keep one happy.

    10. write it out.
    record the feelings you are going through in writing.
    capture the details.
    what was your journey, your expectations, your highs and lows ?
    you may see your struggles in a different light 10 years from now.

    03-29 07:03 AM
    To allot a GC or Immigration is a leanthy process includes several steps so it takes time to pass through all these steps. After validating and checking all the documents the GC is alloted
    so the process takes time.

    So naive!

    Karthik Thambidurai
    07-13 06:24 AM
    Just woke up to NPR morning news ... nice coverage on the July bulletin.

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